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Thinking about outsourcing your marketing? You should – here’s why.

If you’re thinking about outsourcing your marketing, you likely have a clear reason to do so, and, if you choose the right agency, it could be one of the best decisions you ever make for your business.

You wouldn’t be alone in that decision. Leading marketing media brand Marketing Week’s 2024 Career & Salary Survey showed 46.2% of marketers had outsourced an element of their marketing departments in the last 12 months to an agency (like us!), specialist or consultancy.

Some of the reasons behind this included lack of skills in-house, there wasn’t a need to employ someone full-time for a certain task and often as a cost saving exercise – but we’ll cover all these more in-depth shortly. You could also be at the start of your marketing journey with a business and might not be a marketer yourself nor have a marketing person or team.

We obviously sound biased given we’re an agency who people come to outsource their marketing to, but we wouldn’t encourage it if it didn’t work under the right circumstances. So, buckle up – let’s explore the benefits and what you should have in place before approaching someone or some business to outsource elements or all your marketing.

Benefits of outsourcing your marketing

1. You don’t have to do it! Kidding – kind of…

Whether you’re a marketer that needs to outsource due your workload being too full, or you need something now, or you’re the owner of a small business that needs to focus their attention elsewhere – a huge benefit of outsourcing your marketing is whilst you’re thinking about something else, there’s an agency team working behind the scenes on the marketing materials you need. Often at a speed you might not have otherwise been able to achieve and increasing your efficiency by allowing you to focus elsewhere on the business.

2. Expert knowledge and tools

At Ignition CBS, our team are constantly training and following the latest graphic design, web design, content and social media trends. We also have access to and an understanding of certain marketing tools that otherwise take time and training to learn and come at a cost. By outsourcing your marketing, you have a direct line to expert knowledge and tools immediately.

3. Different perspectives and skills

Having an outsider’s perspective can often bring in fresh ideas and considerations that previously hadn’t been thought of, leading to discoveries in improving your marketing campaigns. This happens not only because you’re dealing with different people, but because they’re also bringing their own unique skills to the table. By outsourcing your marketing, you have access to skills you might not necessarily have in-house - whether you can’t find the right person for it or you only require a specific skill for a limited time.

4. Scale up without needing extra desks

By hiring someone like us, you can scale up your business and marketing plans without having to think about the logistics of where to house your newly acquired creatives and all the other logistics involved in hiring someone more permanently. We already have our own desks, laptops/computers, and personal mugs for our brews – get us, aren’t we fancy! All you have to worry about is telling us how we can help you.

5. Continuous support and analysis

Got a question? Want to hash out some creative ideas? As an extension of your team, we’re available to provide support constantly. We also ensure projects are analysed before, after, and throughout so you’re getting the most out of your marketing campaign – if something isn’t working, we’ll tell you, and we’ll always keep tabs on its return on investment (ROI).

Why choose Ignition CBS to outsource your marketing with?

At Ignition CBS, we work hard to truly understand what our clients’ businesses are about – no matter their complexities and specialities, we see it as part of our job to learn and do more than just the basics. We not only want to understand, but we also want to be able to bring new ideas and strategies to our clients’ tables and provide a fresh outlook with a collaborative approach.

We’re all about partnerships, not transactions and, as a result, have many longstanding clients. When you work with us, you get a team that’s invested in your success and can make your ideas a reality.

Email us or call 01706 222456 to get things rolling – we promise we’re a friendly bunch.

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Want to do more with your marketing? Not sure where to start? Want to kick around some ideas with a friendly bunch? Let’s chat - call 01706 222456 or email us

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